Have you ever been away from your home for quite a while, and during that time you stayed extremely busy with social and physical activities? You might have come home exhausted, needing sleep and needing to go back to more sane eating, exercise and spending habits. You weren't really ready to go back to work or your routines, so you might have said or thought,"I need a vacation from my vacation"
As full time nomads, homeless by choice travelers, we have asked ourselves, how do we take a vacation? It turns out that we have to stop traveling to "take a holiday", as Europeans say.
We spent a whole two and a half months in Tucson and in Phoenix. After our time there, we were somewhat exhausted. At first, being back in our own home felt extremely odd. We did the heaps of grown up things we had to do, visited with lots of friends and of course, we played copious amounts of pickleball, even competing in a couple of tournaments. We thought we were going to do a bunch of touristy stuff around town, but those adult responsibilities kept getting in the way.
I'm oh so happy to report that we're back to work. We're back at the business of being nomads. We rented our house out again, and we hit the road. We left Phoenix heading south to to San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico where we'll stay for just a short week. On our way , we stopped to check out the brand new gorgeous 24 pickleball courts in Green Valley, AZ.
The courts are part of a private homeowners club, Green Valley Recreation. They are just one of the many perks of living in this active 55+ community.
I had the opportunity to speak with Donna Coon, the former president of the GVR and Jim B., a great player and ambassador for the club, about their newest additions to their beautiful community. There were already two other sets of eight and four pickleball courts, bringing the total number to 36 courts for the current 826 members.
There is scheduled open play for different levels of players on each day so that everyone gets to rotate to the different court locations. The amount of organization and opportunities to play is simply amazing.
To play here, if you're not a homeowner with a membership in GVR, you will need to know someone who can invite you in as a guest. The homeowners can pay $65 a year for unlimited guest pass, or $10 per day per guest. Or, another attractive option, you can just buy a home in Green Valley!
One other option to play here is to sign up for the Southern Arizona Senior Games (if you have the privilege of being old enough!). Better hurry though, registration starts tomorrow and it will fill up fast! https://www.pickleballtournaments.com/tournamentinfo.pl?tid=3101
While we had a great time getting in a few games with the friendly group and we were tempted to stay longer, we had places to go, people to see, things to do. We hopped in our Trusty 4Runner and returned to a place we enjoy immensely. To see where we are now you can check out my past blog post by clicking on the photo below:
Here's the link if you have problems accessing it through the photo:https://rtww2k.wixsite.com/coffeys2gopb/post/san-carlos-nuevo-guaymas-mexico
Next stop after Mexico is New Orleans.
Want to join us for Mardi Gras? Come on, why not!
#GVR #GreenValley #Arizona #MexicoPickleball #SanCarlosPickleball #GuaymasPickleball #HoverHigher #DJI #MavicPro #TecalaiYoriPickleball #DestinationPickleball #PickleballLocations #Places2Play #Coffeys2Go